Kampion Card Game is a new football card game created by Lourenço Cunha which features some excellent artwork by worldwide artists and designers on each individual playing card. It will be available from early 2014 and promises a free download, print and play, which sounds good to me.
From Facebook.com/kampioncardgame:
Kampion – The Football Talent Project is a card game where each card is created by a talented illustrator. It’s a playable art gallery!
Do you want to play? In early 2014 you’ll be able to download the deck for free (to print & play) or buy the official deck of 100% plastic cards.
How to play? There are several game modes (to beginners and heavy gamers). Be patient. You’ll know soon enough.
Are you an artist? If you wish to join this project, feel free to contact us by private message. We are always looking to increase the number of available cards.
See more at kampioncardgame.com. All images in the gallery below courtesy of Facebook.com/kampioncardgame and individual card designs credit to their respective owners.
Click on each to see bigger